Today we passed Oswego Canal locks 3, (no 4), 5, 6, 7 and finally lock 8
(that sheep dog on the fore-deck is me)
…bringing us to Oswego
as mere 10 nautical miles
but the perfect place to dock
and step the mast.
Our lady R.E.D. is now all pretty again,
but pretty.
Two days ago Captain suffered a back spasm
hauling 6 gallons of gas back to the boat…
Today we are hoping that the patch a pharmacist recommended,
some anti-inflamatories,
and pain killers through a straw
will get him ready for the fine sailing ahead.

…Muscle Kat managed the gas top up.
Tomorrow, weather permitting, we begin the next chapter,
crossing Lake Ontario.
Notes to Boaters
East dock in Oswego (just south of Alex’s on the Water)
$20 for overnight, has no amenities but is secure.
Just across the bridge, west side (left on 1st St) is Andrew’a Wine Cellar,
(for liquid painkillers)
and on East side, 95 E Bridge St is a gas station for top up.