Staying Healthy
- Simple Galley Recipes: www.seasaltgalleykat.com
- The Boat Galley (recipes and so much more): BoatGalley.com
Boating Resources
- Where to find charts for Canadian waters: Charts.gc.ca
- Active Captain: www.activecaptain.com
- Glossary of Boat Terms: see-the-sea.org
- Web Community for MacGregor Owners: MacGregorSailors.com
- Digital Canadian Government Publications for Boaters: Publications for Boaters
- Canadian Requirements for Safety Equipment: Safe Boating Guide
Where to Learn
- Superior Workshops for Women: NWSA
- Boating Courses through Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons: www.cps-ecp.ca
- United States Power and Sail Squadrons: www.usps.org
- Royal Yachting Association: www.rya.org
- America’s Great Loop Cruising Association: www.GreatLoop.org
Where to Buy Boat Stuff
- Sea Dog Boating Solutions (where I found my Omnia Oven): www.seadogboatingsolutions.com
- Entrepôt Marine: www.entrepotmarine.com
- The Boat House: www.boathouse.ca
- The Binnacle: www.ca.binnacle.com
- Marine Outfitters: www.marineoutfitters.ca
- Blue Water Yachts: www.bwyachts.com
- Jamestown Distributors (for boaters and their craft): jamestowndistributos.com
- Defender (Discount marine and boat supplies): Defender.com