On the other side of the Aspotogan Peninsula to the East of us, just around the corner from St-Margaret’s Bay is Mahone Bay another expansive sailing ground dotted with 365 islands. How cool is that to have an island for every day of the year? The largest, a 50 minute ferry ride, is Big Tancook. Literally meaning, facing the sea.

Chester Basin
You can read a bit more about Tancook Island by clicking here if you wish, along with a few answered questions about life on the island here. A curious tid bit I learned today was that this year the elementary school has just one student. Lucky student. Lucky teacher.
As we were watching lumber being load onto the ferry, obviously for someone’s building project. we both were thinking ‘hope they didn’t forget the screws’. Wouldn’t you hate to have forgotton an essential tool or other bits and pieces?

Boarding the William G. Ernst
At first Luke said no way when he saw the boat but with a bit of encouragement he boarded.

Making Friends
Once underway it didn’t take him long to feel much more comfortable and start making friends. Nickie seemed to be his favourite but fist bumps were freely given out to all who passed.
As with so many sea-side communities Tancook was no exception to brightly coloured well-kept homes. Where else would you see yellow, red and purple on one property and have it look this great?

Historic Home
Onward to finding lunch and filling our bellies….

Motivated for a Good Lunch
There is a story behind todays’ lunch. Why things like this should surprise me I’m not sure but this tops my ever-expanding list of welcome to Nova Scotia tales. Planning the trip, I thought it would be fun to have lunch on the island. I found information in Tancook Island tourist forum about a restaurant that served things that Luke would like…and beer….we two dusty travellers would need a cold brew to quench our thirst as well. It seemed the place was closed on Mondays (today) so I called the listed number to make sure. Here is how the conversation went…
Patrick the owner: “When were you planning on coming?”
Me: “I wanted to bring my son over Monday but it looks like you’re closed Mondays”
Patrick: “Come along. I’ll open for you”
Me: taking a minute to recover from the shock…”Are you sure?”
Patrick: “Sure! No problem. What’s your name so I can expect you?”

Our Gracious Host
So here’s how it played out. We were invited into the owner’s home. Welcomed with all the charm and chatty conversation we have come to expect and served a very tasty lunch…cold brew and all…

Fresh Paninni
When the owner’s wife asked how everything was, Luke responded:’Wonderful”. ‘Well’, she said, ‘I guess it doesn’t get any better than that!”

Guys at the Beach
Since we had an hour to kill before the ferry left to take us back to Chester on the mainland we did a bit of beaching.

A Good Start
Francois made a good start on our beach glass collection.

Pitching Rocks
…and Luke waded in knee-deep to cool off.

The Ferry Awaits
Fifty minute return, more fist bumps and friends made, a small pod of porpoises frolicking in the wake of the ferry, cool breeze to refresh and we were back on land before we knew it.
Post Script: french translation is automated and not always perfect. Sorry!