Jun 26, 2016 | Flotsam
Here we are still trying our best to catch a fish…any fish would do really.

My Catch of a Lifetime
…so François fished while we sailed with a sweat soft wind at our back.

Sailing R.E.D.
Anchorage today was Baie Éternité.

Baie Éternité
It was a bit of a challenge finding the perfect spot to drop the anchor because of the extreme water depth so close to the rock face combined with rising and lowering tides. But Captain, as always, found a secure place to stop.

R.E.D. at Rest
His choice comment of the day: ‘R.E.D. resting between Les Boules. Nothing could make me happier’. (you can refer to yesterday’s post for an explanation of Les Boules)

Catch of the Day
…and the catch of the day came from a can (of Salmon),some fresh provisions and of course bread from Tadoussac. Tomorrow we try again.
(recipe for my easy boat chowder here)
Jun 25, 2016 | Flotsam
Today’s post is brought to you by laundry, washing up and magnificent scenery.
As we were leaving Tadoussac Harbour there was the sound of ‘whoosh’ and a lone whale breached to bid us goodbye.

Whale Escort

Tadoussac Ferry (one of three)

Mouth of the Saguenay
…with La Boule, the formation on the right. François says that in Lac Saint-Jean area, women’s breasts are referred to as Les Boules.

…To give you a perspective of height, the boat at the base of the rock face (if you can see it) is about 20′ long.

R.E.D. at the base of a 920′ cliff
…close enough to touch the rock face, in water in excess of 100′ depth.

Nature’s Rock Climbers


Rock Face

Sailing to Anchorage

Fishing for Supper
…? Ribs on the barbie tonight…

…and with the magnificent must come the mundane…

Boat Keeping


Good night all from the well-fed crew of R.E.D. at Anse aux Petits Îles

Jun 24, 2016 | Flotsam
On our last day at anchor in Tadoussac Harbour before heading up the Saguenay River we took the time to play tourist…

Parcour de la Colline

Tadoussac Harbour
…then back to our favourite watering hole to quench a mighty thirst and hunger for that delicious Poutine du Bistro.

Joyeuse Saint-Jean Baptiste
Happy Saint-Jean Baptiste Day