After a very pleasant launch day, we retired for the night to wonderful sounds one hears on the water:
local wildlfe,
boat sounds,
water sounds….
drifted off to sleep with the angels…
0500 lifted my head to see 3″ of water on the cabin floor!!!
My gasp woke François….
…revealed a leak from the through-the-hull transducer
….lovely green rag stuffed in the hole
…haul out
absolutely no enthusiasm this time

…further investigation revealed hardly any sealant on the mount plate,

no gasket

and an over-sized hole for a 1/4″ wire



…and once we started to question the quality of subcontracts

we found a small leak at the sea cock

…no sealant at all here


After a day of removing soggy items, bilge pumping, mopping,

fixing, sealing



the local marine supplier now our new best friend

we locked up, went home (our land home) for the night




…still smiling