PCYC, our home for the past three days,
is a great club,
friendly people,
good services…
Aside from the standard boating activities,
they have an active Sail Able program
With adaptive boats and hoists for sailors
with special physical needs




On our last day, after hosting a mid-morning brunch,

(yep, lots of social mixed in with our sailing weekend)

we headed out…


Past the Pointe-Claire church steeple…

We sailed for a while but with yet another west wind, beating toward home,
we decided to furl and motor the rest of the way…
This is what Mac sailors do on their ‘ off ‘ days…
(great seeing you on the water Rob)
…arrived at the lock at Sainte-Anne-de Bellevue just in time to enter,

back to home port,
supper in the cockpit,
then slept with the angels…

…another successful adventure…
…time to prepare for the next…