Over the past several months I have been collecting some easy cruising-friendly recipes – some from various sources, some of my own creations modified for life aboard.
This morning I decided to use our little Omnia Oven for the first time to prepare brunch.
The results will no doubt be different on our boat as far as cooking time but I was interested in seeing how effective this was as stove-top oven.
Our little (teeny tiny) galley doesn’t have an oven – just a one-burner alcohol stove. On weekend outings it’s unlikely we will be ‘dining’ in any involved way but the plan is to venture out for a week or two at a time once we explore our home neighbourhood. And once François’ eventual retirement arrives there will be longer trips.
So with that preamble out of the way here is the result of today’s brunch.
Eggs Florentine à la Omnia
serves 4
4 whole wheat English muffins broken into 1” pieces
4 slices Black Forest Ham cut into bite-sized pieces
2 cups baby spinach greens
4 eggs
1-3/4 cups milk
1 tsp Dijon mustard
Salt & Pepper to taste
1 recipe for Hollandaise Sauce (I tried out a tetra-pak of read-made – will stick to the real thing next time)
Grease the main Omnia pan well. Place half the English muffins pieces in the pan. Sprinkle ham on top of this followed by the spinach. Top with remaining English muffins.
Beat eggs, mustard, S&P together with the milk until well blended and pour mixture over all.
It’s best if this has a chance to sit for a while but instead of waiting I took a spoon and pushed the layers down all round to make sure the milk/egg mixture soaked well into the muffins.
Place the base of the Omnia on an appropriate-sized burner, set on high for 5 minutes. Then place the main pan with lid on top and reduce temperature to medium low.
The dish was completely cooked after 45 minutes…approximately the same time it would have taken to cook in a traditional oven. Serve with Hollandaise.
…delicious and so easy…
…all washed up and ready for an elegant meal aboard R.E.D….