Early morning check in at Montreal Airport –

up at 02:30 to get ready and make sure we arrived at 04:00

for our 06:00 flight…

where we met up with the team.

This was the first time using our Nexus card

and it worked like a charm….bypassed the huge lines.



Uneventful flight to Miami…

We haven’t flown in a while

and were amazed at how tiny the personal space is on aircraft these days.


After grabbing lunch at the Miami airport

we boarded our flight to Costa Rica.

The guys are a great bunch and all get along so well.

It made the almost 4 hour (usually 2 hour) drive from the San Jose airport

north to our hotel – the Tilahari – so much fun.

The camera guy bounced from seat to seat
getting the best shots of us and scenery.
…after patiently waiting with just an iPhone to take shots ourselves
(we were told to leave our camera at home),
the team presented us with our gift….
…the latest Canon EOS 70D with wide angle lense…
and an extra zoom lense.
…this is a super ‘hot’ piece of equipment.
…Francois got the best image along the way with this shot…
After settling in at the hotel
we had the chance to practice with our new treasure…
…the hotel staff routinely load the trees outside the restaurant
with pieces of fruit to feed the birds and entertain the guests…

After a great dinner with our guides Jim and Susan,

we crashed to get a decent night’s sleep.

Apparently tomorrow will be packed with activities….