Heading into our third season…
(ha, good pun…get it?)
…so time is overdo for changing the head’s (AKA toilet)
joker valve…
…a simple, rubbery valve
usually described as looking like a duck’s bill.
…we found out just how easy it is to change,
making us wonder why we waited.
1. put on rubber gloves (it is a toilet after all)
2.place a small container under the hose to catch and liquid
(this time of year the liquid is just antifreeze from winter storage)
…reminder for next year – use a bigger container!
3. remove two screws…
4. remove the old valve
(seeing that little bit of light through the duck’s bill?
…time it was changed)
Took no more than 5 minutes!
Another note to self – buy an extra joker valve just in case.
for Jabsco Model 29120-300
part #29092-1000
All ready to go!