I know there have been a lot of recipe posts lately
but it’s difficult to sail with little to no wind
so we have been doing other things
like adding new cleats, scrubbing, polishing, organizing the interior,
making small improvements…..
…getting to know our little chalet on the water…
…and cooking…
I enjoy preparing fun new meals when it’s calm
and now that summer seems to have arrived
(today 35 °C, 100% humidity and sunny),
I thought Mexican would be good when the sun goes down…
…on tonight’s menu…
Giant tiger shrimp (about 3 per taco)
Mango juice
Spicy BBQ sauce
Hard or soft shell tacos
Sour cream (I use plain Greek yogurt)
Shredded cheese
Chopped green onions
Place shrimp in a ziploc bag and
add a mixture of mango juice and sauce – enough to coat.
Set aside
My Guacamole is fairly simple:
add together juice from 1/2 lime,
1 roughly chopped/smashed avocado,
1/2 jalapeño seeded or not and minced,
2-3 cloves of garlic smashed,
1 chopped tomato,
2 chopped green onions
S&P to taste
Kat Note:
If you keep the avocado pit in the mixture the guacamole doesn’t darken
The shrimp can be BBQ’d or cooked with a bit of butter in a skillet
but instead of heating up the cabin any more that it already was
we grilled them outside…just enough so the flesh is opaque.
The tacos can also be heated on the grill.
The rest is just filling as you wish with
sour cream
green onions
shredded cheese
Serve with an ultra cold Mexican beer and you’re good to go…
!buen apetito!