Pancakes are a great leisurely breakfast onboard

when we aren’t heading out for an early morning sail,

but why not throw the whole bowl of batter in the oven I say?

No oven on this boat

but we do have our little Omnia

(which by the way I have tried out numerous times at home

but never with the one burner alcohol stove)…

Everyone has their favourite pancake recipe…

ours is Greek Yogurt Pancakes.

For more traditional crêpes, I mix the dry ingredients at home,

bring a good supply onboard

so when ready to use I measure out what I need for the meal

and add the appropriate amount of milk and eggs.


…just 25 minutes on our little stove
For you land-based readers,
pour batter into a greased pan
bake @ 350 ° for 20-25 minutes

they turned out surprisingly well

…headed out early the next morning for a day sail

…enough Blueberry Crêpe Cake leftover

for a quick cockpit breakfast the next morning