Now that we have decided that there will be NO MORE WINTER…
hats, mittens and heavy coats mentally put away…
time to get R.E.D. ready for launch…
A balmy 14 °…
…some melting…
…but still a long way to go…
…somebody should tell this guy that winter is OVER…
A quick check inside and everything seems as it should be…
…a little heat, a little light, a little hand-cranked music to work by…
…and my love affair with Kanberra Gel continues…
After 6 months, barely 1/4 of the gel is gone
and the cabin still has that wonderful fresh scent.
The first order of the day is to prepare the bilge and hold areas
with a rubberized seal
so we can start to move in…
…François’ protection…
…and mine…
…we have had trouble locating a good supply of white Flex Seal.
We used the black last year after the first cabin flood
but it makes seeing things in the hold difficult.
We finally found a supply of the white locally…
This is where R.E.D.’s ‘heart’ will go…
…all bright and white…
…almost need sun glasses it’s so bright.
A second coat will be ‘needed’ (according to Captain’s criteria)
and since the temperature is still a little on the low side,
drying is slow
so will have to come back…
But before locking up…a little spring boat picnic…
…cheese and fruit…
…and what all boat picnics need…
…some pleasant French wine…