13 July 2013
…another day of light winds and a cloudless sky
…raised anchor early,
breakfast under sail,
…headed farther west
…not another sailboat in sight but lots of these,
what François calls the crazy guys…
fast, noisey, and one we saw with two couples speeding along,
two kids in tow on a surf tube,
no one watching the kids
…we decided to leave the main channel to keep out of their way

…wind at our backs most of the way
…so we gulled-winged the sails
…reached our next waypoint at Baie de Carillon early afternoon
…the only sailboat,
the noise of the motor boats a distant drone
…set the anchor,
another 50′ of rode,
mud bottom
…time to relax before the galley wench
prepares the evening meal
…at sunset still the only sailboat,
noisy boats partied out
…secure for the night in our own piece of heaven