Well, yes, isn’t every day on the water special you might ask?
With very little wind today it was like a water dance in slow motion…
…so silent…
(we have many days such as this – so not the special part)
…the occasional ‘whoosh’ of a paddle…
(yes, this is special but this isn’t what I’m talking about)
…then the spell was broken…
(but certainly nothing special about these weekend noise makers)
…special because we got to enjoy another storm…our second in 2 days?
Today was special because we were able to ‘attend’
the marriage of two very special people
from our boat on Lac de Deux Montagnes…
to Clam Harbour Beach, Nova Scotia…
Momma couldn’t be there in person,
but I send all my love and wishes
for all the best life can bring you two.
(my handsome son and his beautiful bride)