It’s a big messed up fog of confusion this moving business. We know we need to find a land home but where to search. We know we need to find a home for R.E.D. that’s relatively near where we live. We don’t want another situation of when we were in Montreal and had to drive for almost an hour in good traffic to reach our boat club and for those who know Montreal, ‘good traffic’ exists only in dreams. Most yacht clubs require a full membership before a dock space can be reserved, if indeed they have space for the season. We could take a lesser convenient mooring but our dinghy, Ballon de Rouge, is still under man power (a small engine is in his future but for now it’s not a priority) and with no shore power how long would our batteries stay charged in frequent east coast fog? I felt like a cat that had just been let out of her travel case. Anxious. Confused. Stressed.

Mahone Bay
After a couple of days of driving along the picturesque southern coast of Nova Scotia and visiting several marinas and yacht clubs we settled on a home for R.E.D. at least for this season but so far what we see, we really like. Shining Water Marine is located on the eastern shore of St. Margaret’s Bay on the Light House Route of Highway 333 otherwise known as Peggy’s Cove Road, within 15 minutes from Halifax and within easy driving distance to some of the country’s best beaches. Perfect!

Lobster Boat
And there seems to be a resident lobster fisherman at the quay just west of us. He may see me standing at his slip when next lobster season rolls around. If I’m to understand that could be as early as August around these parts.

South Shore
Shining Waters offers the full service of a Yacht Club in a beautiful but relaxed setting without the comittment of a membership. Washrooms, showers, laundry, new docks with electricity and water. No problem storing our trailer, a functional ramp should we need to haul out for the occasional land trips and a fairly active social agenda should we wish to participate. And the best part, located near the Head of St. Margaret’s Bay and the gateway to some of Canada’s best sailing ground.

Shining Waters Marine
Finger #53 will be ours for the season and should we choose to continue our relationship here into 2018 and beyond, a deposit to secure our spot is all that’s needed.

Lucky 5+3=8
It was with mixed emotions that we headed out this morning but we didn’t want to overstay the welcome of our generous hosts. But first we had to do a bit of pruning. That pine tree was just far too close.

Inches to spare.

Heading Home
Next on our agenda aside from washing away all the traces of land travel, is to relax a bit, explore our new sailing ground and on off days, find a land home for the crew. We’re confident that we’ll discover our “Red by the Sea” in good time. We aren’t in a hurry, we are comfortable aboard R.E.D. until October and the close of the sailing season and when we find it we’ll know it’s right.

Sunset on the Bay
Today the Galley Kat is much more calm and settled. Our little chalet is now splashed and safely at her dock and tomorrow is a new day with a clean slate on which to write more of our story.
