It’s really heart-breaking for us when we have days such as today
with warm 10 knot SE winds
and air temperature of 27 ° C on our lake
and we have begun our winterizing projects for R.E.D.
But is must be done.
Sails aired, removed and bagged…
All lines removed and taken home to wash…
Final pump-out done and holding tank and head rinsed with vinegar…
Emptying the ballast was a blast!
Only twice a year do we put the motor through it’s speed paces,
…but planing at 15 knots,
while releasing 100 gallons of water is a rush!
…and very windy…
R.E.D. who is usually the obese little sister at our club
is now 1000 pounds lighter.
Next year we will fill R.E.D.’s belly with some sea water
(check back with us later when we map out our adventure plan for the 2015 season)