“You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.”
Piglet, Pooh’s Little Instruction Book. ~ A. A. Milne
With wintery cold clinging to April we felt a strong need to get out of our ‘corner of the forest’. A road trip north and a long overdue visit with friends was just what these two weary sailors needed.

SO cold!
First a stroll through the village. You know you are no longer in the big city when people look you in the eye and greet you with a nod and a friendly smile.

Artisan Shops

Crispy Cold Trails
A hike at 1200′ left me breathless. Yup, I that out of shape!

Walk through the neighbourhood
Then we dined. Oh! did we dine! Amazing food. Laughter, tears and stories shared.

Delicious Home Cooked Meals

Brunch to Die For

Freshly Baked Croissants
A special mention must go to Monique (I did promise you your own blog post dear lady). Thank you for sharing your sailing stories and for taking the time to find us one of your beautiful creations in appropriate colours for R.E.D. We are all adventurers at heart.

Hand-loomed tea towel
And a big thank you to our welcoming generous hosts.
We came for the friendship but left with full bellies and good memories
…and caramels (at the time of this writing there remain just four, equally shared this time I may add).

Deadly Delicious Evil Treats (our host’s secret recipe carefully guarded as it should be)