What happens when two sailors are having such a great time sailing
that they forget to check the battery charge?
At 07:00 this morning I made a call to a nearby club,
letting them know we had no motor and would be under sail only.
Although they had no tow boat,
they did have a dock to accomodate us.
We left our anchorage at Guffin Bay under sail.
Thankfully wind at our back.
I know I don’t look very amused
but I was so concerned about having enough wind to take us
to the yacht club.
Francois tried to lighten the mood
by situating Piglet as my moral support.
…the wind was very light
but perfectly oriented for our entry into Chaumont Bay.
I think our sea planets were aligned today
because we entered Chaumont Yacht Club
without incident….
not my prettiest sail into dock manoeuvre
but no cracking or breaking of boat occurred.
We encountered some of the nicest people we have yet to meet.
Pat and Terry, please keep in touch.
We would love to hear more about your sail across the Big Pond.
We will remember your generosity and kindness always.
We carry away with us
memories of docktails under the canopy, laughs and stories shared.