Haul-out 2018.
It’s usually a very sad time of year, putting our dear R.E.D. to bed for the long winter months but this year we are at least a month later than usual to pull her from the water and it felt right…and kind of fun..with an energy we haven’t found in past years.

Hooking Up HIS Trailer
Maybe it’s because we had a much longer season, or maybe it could be that we now have a special place right in our own yard and the process is so much easier. There was no going back and forth through all of that depressing congested Montreal traffic.

Fall Colours
She spent her summer here, just six kilometres from our home, at a small co-op-type club. It meant just one trip too. Trailer hooked up to the tow beast and within a few minutes we were ready for our annual ritual.

Ballast Empty
First, a chilly outing on the bay to empty her belly of salt water.

Winterizing MY Engine
Next, Francois put the motor through it’s winterizing paces.

Installing Mast Extension
The mast extension makes for a much better shape when tarping.

R.E.D. waited patiently at the service dock while the trailer was brought to the loading ramp

Then came the offical haul-out. So easy for two of us to handle, all completed with no incident.

Power Wash
Power wash came next before all the accumulated ‘yuck’ from a summer in the water had dried. Demasting with all of the lines secured and we were ready to head for home.

The Skeleton
This year’s tarp skeleton is Francois’ best creation to date. It makes the job so much easier too when there is a small hardware store down at the corner to buy extra tie wraps and PVC piping.

Winter Tarp
Even covering and threading the lines under R.E.D.’s belly seemed less of a chore this year.

The Igloo
All liquids and other essentials removed from the cabin and lines flushed through with anti-freeze, she will rest all cozy and ready for whatever winter storms will throw our way.
For those who prefer to read our story in a language other than English, please forgive the automatic translation.