Well folks, we finally extracted ourselves from our little camping at home location.  Provincial and private camp grounds have been allowed to open here with some restrictions.  We had booked this first place a while ago for the May long weekend and they are now accepting us with open arms.  It’s great being on the front edge of the season because we had the whole place to ourselves for the first three days…literally, no other campers on site. Waaaay down that field is us.


F’s request for this location, his first ever trailer camping experience, was ‘give me an unimpeded view of the ocean’, so I asked for site 313….and we were not disappointed.

The View

Once settled in we walked down to the ‘beach’…loosely named.  It was an impressively beautiful and colourful example of Cambrian period rock formations

Rock Beach

A short hike around the camp ground brought us to yet another rocky arrangement which looked like it had been upended by some giant force

Rock Formations

At cocktail hour we sat and reminisced about the times we were anchored off shore…over there, there, and there.   The comparison of the sea anchor drop versus how we anchor on land was curiously similar without the obvious storm worries…although that night we had a mighty nor’easter blow through.  Our little RED II held fast throughout the night though.

Stories at Sunset

Camping meals are simple nowadays. I prepare as much as I can in advance of departure.  First night is usually simple and light and the rest is barbecue grill with little additions we  find from day time outings.

Evening Picnic

Our second day we walked the hiking trail to the Ovens….caves carved  by waves from ancient rock along the Atlantic shore line.


The Hike

Down to the Sea

Cannon Cave

Into the Depths

Tucker’s Tunnel

Day three we ventured out along the back  roads to explore the country side.  I’m not at all comfortable biking on public roads but thankfully traffic was light.

Easy Rider

The Ride

In the afternoon we drove to find three lovely beaches.

Oxner Beach

Hirtle’s Beach

Sand Dollar Beach

Sea Treasures

I thought it would be a good idea to collect something of significance to remember each camping adventure.  Since we are restricted to local travel for now, supporting local enterprises and artisans is our focus.  In a small shop in Lunenburg F found this little treasure which now sits happily in our camper as a reminder of our visit to The Ovens.


Well, that’s all for now folks.  It’s mostly a picture story this time.  We’ve noticed there is so little drama when you land ‘sail’…just little wind here and there but that’s about it.

As always, we are thankful when you drop by.  Please come back soon as we have another outing planned soon.  Another corner of our world to explore.  Another adventure for little RED II and her crew.

Peace and love…..



“As much as you want to plan your life, it has a way of surprising you with unexpected things that will make you happier than you originally planned.”

Now that our R.E.D. has a home we can place more attention on finding an off-season home for the crew.

Water Home

To keep things focused we made a list of priorities in the search for our land home, a sort of wish list.

  • The most obvious, affordable.  We’re retired and one of the main points of this exercise was to be mortgage free.  If a small mortgage were needed then we have to be able to pay it off in a very short period of time.
  • Property on the sea or at the very least a view of the sea.  Can’t call it ‘Red by the Sea’ if it’s not by the sea can we?
  • Southern or south-east exposure for capturing heat from the sun especially during the winter months.
  • The perfect size for the two of us.  In ‘Goldy Locks’ terms, not too big, not too small, just right.  But it has to have room for family and friends to visit. Got that?  We EXPECT visitors!
  • Two bathrooms. The key to a harmonious relationship.
  • A place for R.E.D.  Lots of cost saving if we don’t have to store her for the winter months and it would be great to have her close to be able to make modifications in the off season.
  • A garage or at the very least a space to build a garage in the future.
  • A place for Francois’ workshop.  Maybe that should have been higher up the list.
  • Charm.  For me it needed to feel like home.  You notice I put this priority below Francois’ workshop but we all know it easily could have been #3 on my list but we’re a team.  Life’s a balance.
  • Minimal work to be done.
  • Not too far from a marina so during sailing season we don’t have to drive forever to be out on the water.
  • Other minor things came up in our discussions. Very minor but Francois said he would like to have wild roses and lupins in the garden and I have always wanted a window seat, my Kat perch, at which to read and write and dream.

I think that’s it. Now that I’ve written it down, it’s a longer list than I realized.  We fully expected some properties would have features we loved but never would have thought we’d find one with all boxes checked. It was just a guidline. The main points we put at the top as priorities.  The rest we knew could be added with time. We also thought that it might be best to rent for a year to get to know the area better although we have both fallen in love with the south shore of Nova Scotia in particular St. Margarets Bay area so that became our focal point real estate wise.

St. Margaret’s Bay

A couple of casual outings with our agent and several drives along the coast checking out communities, marinas, boat clubs and making note of places for sale.

Down to the Sea

And there she was, our RED by the SEA.  With lupins and roses in the garden. And a window seat. All of the above stated priorities checked off. All! We never expected this! A ten point landing.

Charming with a View

We sat back and thought ‘whoa‘!  Then a touch of fear set in. Are we really ready for this?  Maybe it’s too soon.  Maybe we should wait.  Always best to sleep on big decisions and never good to make it emotional.  I remembered Francois’ words when we first visited our condo in Montreal, top floor with the phenomenal view. ‘Poker face, Kathy. We’re negotiating’  Sorry, buddy but that ship has sailed on this one. I gushed to the super nice owner just how utterly charming her place was to which she responded that she immediately saw it in my face and told us she hoped we would return when we have time to enjoy a glass of juice with her.  Yep!  That ship has sailed so far away it’s out of sight.

Ocean Frontage

So we slept on it or rather we went to bed but neither of us slept much.  Each mulling over our own thoughts.  Francois the sane practical one thought finances while I was placing furniture and in full on nest phase.  We did however secure a second visit with our agent,you know,just in case.  We went to discuss finances at a local bank branch, you know, just in case.  We secured contacts for a property lawyer, inspectors etc.  You know, just in case.

There is still so much to happen before we can truly say we are no longer homeless…so very much! And when I can channel a more rational me, I know it may not be this place that becomes Red by the Sea.  It’ll be disappointing for sure but as a good friend said, if not this one, there will be others. More to come as the adventure unfolds but for now we get to dream a bit and mentally arrange some furniture and virtually tend to those wild roses and lupins just down the lane.

Down the Lane





We’ve officially been on the way 20 days, 17 of which have been completely off-grid and at anchor, with 418 nautical miles covered so far.  There have been challenges but so far nothing we haven’t been able to handle.

Les Escoumins

Les Escoumins

Last night at anchor in Les Escoumins was our second worst night, not so much because of adverse weather but because of wind orientation and through 3 tidal changes we were tossed from 30 ° port to 30 ° starboard until just before dawn.  You know it’s bad when you have to hold on in your berth,.  But yet again our brave little R.E.D. and the mighty Bruce anchor held tight.  I guess we have to expect there will be times such a this and those nights at calm anchorages the reward.


Ocean-going Freighters

But today is a whole fresh new day with fair weather forecast.  Time to make our way across the Saint Lawrence River from the north shore to the south, second coffee and PB&J in hand we hauled anchor and set off occasionally sharing the way with the BFB’s.  Even with moderate winds the swells were impressive.


Wrapped, Strapped and Tethered

We would surf the crest of the wave then drop down and disappear into the trough, then up to the crest again.  Water temperature 5.8 ° C.  Air temperature not much higher.


Purple Lips But Happy

Over five hours at times reaching 7 knots we’ve arrived at our anchorage for the night in a cozy little bay at Île du Bic, a protected wild life sanctuary.


Bird Sanctuary



Île du Bic



Entrance to Anchorage

If this location and weather proves favourable we may just hang out here for a day or two exploring.  If not, there is a mere 5-6 nautical miles to the south shore.