Aug 11, 2017 | Flotsam
The Tall Ships are in town…the town of Lunenburg that is and ten of the RDV 2017 ladies are in port today.

The weather since arriving in Nova Scotia has been spectacular. Occasional moments of fog drifting in and out and a few nights of rain. I can’t believe it will always be this glorious but no one could have had a better welcome to paradise than this. Today was yet another one of these days.

Lunenburg Waterfront Festival

Dreaming of Pirates

Captain Seymour Fogg
A drive to Lunenburg wouldn’t be complete without grabbing a cup of our favourite coffee from the Laughing Whale Cafe.
I guess that’s all I have to say for now. There are lots of links above to click on so I’ll just let the pictures speak for themselves. We’ll be in touch soon.
Post Script: the french translation is automated and not always perfect. Sorry!
Jun 13, 2017 | Flotsam
Hi there all you R.E.D. folks. Today we traded in our deck shoes and sailing gloves to become road pirates, conquering and plundering the highways with R.E.D. in tow. We kept with our usual sailing schedule departing at the crack of 08:00, second coffee in hand with the plan to stop by mid-afternoon.
The day was clear and warm. We checked wind forecast along the way which in some places along the Saint Lawrence could present problems but all was good on that front too.
So many memories from last year’s trip came to mind as we drove along…especailly those stormy times.

Hand of Mother Nature, la Malbaie, 2016
I found a great little app that gives information about truck stops, camp grounds, gas stations. Sort of like Active Captain for road warriors.

Rest Stop
With it we chose a convenient place, not too far off road for the night

Le Rayon de Soleil Campground

Lucky Double 7
The camp ground owners were very nice, found us a secure place for the night with birds singing, biting bugs (it’s that time of year) and distant sounds of Highway 20…but really, the thrill of pulling a sailboat into an RV campground with all the amenities and a few curious looks for $33? We could easily have done more damage with beer and pizza.
Trip Recap
Mileage: 483 km
Fuel Consumption: 14.2 l/100km (and you all know how loaded dear R.E.D. is)
Provisions: 2 cappuccinos $7
Accommodations: $33 + bug spray.
Aside from my spices liberating themselves freely from the magnetic strips, the galley had wonderful aromas of Herbes de Province and Dill and there is now a knife behind the galley that may have to stay there for the duration (never did that on the water, even with 45 degree heeling)
Extremely good day for the three land pirates. Time to crack a chilled beer.
Side note: after having the battery on all day and the refrigerator running, both house and cranking batteries were full. Solar power rocks!