What do keen sailors in the Great White North do
when their boat is tucked away until spring thaw?
(well aside from those lucky ones who head south)…
…we study…
…we dream…
…and we plan.
So here is the latest in our planning phase…
….a very complete package just received from
New York State Canals
including our recreational vessel pass application.
…and we are now members of the
(America’s Great Loop Cruisers’ Association)
Even though the Great Loop Adventure is a couple of years away,
we thought it would be beneficial
to plug into the wealth of resource material available through membership.
This past summer’s Little Loop Adventure
and our proposed 2015 Next Loop
are both a part of the Great Loop so we will proudly fly the AGLCA colours,
connecting with other ‘Loopers’ on the way,
learning as we go.