Just one picture is all I have for this post. No spectacular sunset. No feisty storm. Just this one picture that tells the story.
We arrived home after almost two months away. And a superb voyage it was! Such a great experience! We’ll sort all that out as we settle in at our home port.
Our vehicle was left at our condo this year inside the garage because of problems with the breaks two years ago after a summer away. Expensive lesson learned. We also wanted to avoid mail accumulating while away and to have the occasional eye on our little land home ‘just in case’.
Two very special people played an integral part in the ease of departure and arrival. Retreived at our club in fine style, us with enough dirty laundry to sink a ship, served a delicious home cooked brunch with great chilled champagne, fine wine and some truly wonderful conversation and a gift of fresh local corn on the cob. Then to arrive at our land home, a welcome back note and bounty from our friend’s community garden.
Béatrice and Dorian, words don’t begin to express how much we appreciate everything you have done for us, on our departure, during our absence and on our return. As I have said so often, it’s the little things that mean so much. Un gros merci! Thank you so much!
….So, I said just one picture would tell the story when as I was writing this my dear Francois realized we were out of a few supplies of the alcohol persuasion and returned with his ‘booty’ in true pirate style…
…neither shaken nor stirred with a slice of lemon and a heart-shaped ice cube. First ice cube I’ve seen in more than two months.

Desire to Inspire