Jul 9, 2016 | Flotsam
As a follow-up to our post from the other day (story here) about sailing past Sainte-Flavie to catch site of Marcel Gagnon’s statues in the tidal waters….
We now have the land perpsective, visited with friends today…

Fun with Friends

…and what better way to initiate our visitors to the fine shores of the Saint Lawrence then to treat them to their first feed of real Quebec poutine. Not the traditional fries, gravy and cheese curd but a feast of three cheese sauce served with fresh shrimp from the village of Matane.

Poutine aux Crevettes de Matane
Jul 8, 2016 | Flotsam
One of the things on our Adventure 2016 wish list was to see Le Grand Rassemblement (The Grand Gathering), creations of artist Marcel Gagnon in Sainte-Flavie. We left the security and warmth of Rimouski Marina and headed farther east past the pretty village of Sainte Luce.

…and there they were, all those strange, and haunting wooden figures along the retreating waters of the Saint Lawrence. The Grand Gathering.

Le Grand Rassemblement

Le Grand Rassemblement

Le Grand Rassemblement
After a night at anchorage at Pointes aux Cenelles we headed back toward Sainte-Flavie again to see if we couldn’t maybe anchor closer and go ashore by dinghy during low tide, but there just wasn’t a secure place to drop our mighty Bruce so continued back a day earlier than planned to Marina Rimouski.

Misty, grey

..and cold sail.
Heater jacked up full blast, it took most of the night to dry out our foul weather gear and ourselves.
Now in the calm and warmth we can prepare for friends who are this moment travelling to our great cold north for a visit. Travel safely!