Mar 21, 2016 | Flotsam
Hi all. Several months ago we were asked to submit an article for the Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons Spring 2016 edition of The Port Hole. The piece entitled “Reflections on a Simpler Life”, highlights our adventure aboard R.E.D. last summer.
We are proud to finally be able to share it with you in its entirety in both French and English as it appeared in the April 2016 edition of Canadian Yachting and L’Escale
We hope you enjoy.

avril 2016

Jul 10, 2015 | Flotsam
Well, dear friends,
another chapter is closing on our little odyssey.
The side trip to Long Island Sound was amazing!
It wasn’t a part of our original plans
but had we missed it,
it would have been a shame.
We didn’t realize the geographic magnitude
and after four days,
had covered just a fraction of it’s wonderful locations.
The plan is to return someday to complete our visit.
Yesterday we crossed from Connecticut back to the New York side
in dense fog,
visibility barely one mile.
Sailing in the light winds proved far too frustrating
but we made it at least 1/3 of the way across before motoring.
Our achorage for the night was a treat in North Port Bay,
quiet and protected just behind this sand spit…
Today was an entirely different scenario.
20 knot winds,
white caps,
more tide and current challenges…
What a great way to finish our last day on the Sound!
Now safely at anchor just past Throgs Neck Bridge
with another view of the New York skyline…
…we plan for tomorrow’s trip through Hell Gate…
this time it will be scheduled.
R.E.D.’s salt water experience has been unique for our little fresh water lady.
(Francois would kill to be able to power wash right now)
We too are crusty and crinkly (no shower for at least four days).
But what an experience this part has been!
While I poured us an evening cocktail,
Captain barbecued us dinner R.E.D. style
that could rival any New York Pizza (Galley Kat’s Recipe)…
(our story and we are sticking to it)
Check back tomorrow to see if we survived the gate from Hell…
Jul 9, 2015 | Flotsam
Our winds today favoured crossing Long Island Sound
to Connecticut….
It was foggy but we managed well with full sail…
Captain Double ‘O’ is also a great fan of the Lord of the Rings
and imagined this light house to be Mount Doom…
…we easily slipped by without any Orc attack…
…when the sun finally appeared,
Francois decided to finally work on his tan lines…
Our stop on the far side – the beautiful seaside town of Milford…
…Stopping at the Town dock,
we honoured the sign,
called to register
but when I said we were a Canadian sailing vessel
wanting to buy some provisions,
I was told: ‘No charge’.
They called us a taxi for a nearby grocery store,
we stocked up on essentials
then returned ready to find that perfect anchorage for the night.
…one of our anchor neighbours from Sweden…
I caught a fish…and threw him back…
And as the sun set on another day,
this was our million dollar view…