MODIFICATIONS: Installing the Inverter
Inverter = morning coffee at anchor = two cups of HAPPY
(yes, there are alternatives to making coffee without using electricity
and yes, we do have a backup plan
using our little AeroPress – which makes really good coffee by the way
but it requires too much thinking
and more steps than either of us is willing to face
first thing in the morning)
…the design for housing the inverter…
1500 watt Eliminator
all trimmed with brushed stainless edging,
stained and sealed with several coats of varnish.
…all discretely installed under the cabin table…
Gauge 4 ‘hot’ and ‘ground’ with ANL fuse block.
(Francois remembered to install the fuse…this time)
…relay ‘On’ ‘Off’ switch…
…looks good…
(and no, Francois did not reverse the polarity)
Backing up a bit here,
we purchased the inverter at the end of last season,
and the person who is supposed to keep all the receipts (me)
couldn’t find this one.
Moving on to ‘Plan B’…
…if 1500 watts is adequate, 2000 watts will be better…
…Some modification to existing housing was necessary.
When Francois makes something he makes it sturdy.
Everything else around his creations may fall apart
but his will remain intact.
…therefore removing the piece so the new inverter could fit
required some major ‘whacking’
and left a mighty scar.
…now neatly installed…
…it works!!…
…and Captain is happy
with what has turned out
to be a very expensive cup of coffee.
Le$$on$ learned…
1. Te$t the machine to make $ure it work$
2. Keep all receipt$