May 28, 2016 | Flotsam
In the midst of all the preparations for our departure we took a much needed evening off to join a friend for the baptism of her boat…
I”ll let the pictures tell the story…

The Location

Our contribution

The Champagne

The Decorations

Special Guests

The Ceremony

Pledge to the Sea Gods

Christening the Bow

Our Own Pledge

What About Pig (What About Bob reference for those Bill Murray fans)

Good Friends, Good Times

The Sea Gods were pleased
Sep 1, 2015 | Flotsam
This was the day when family came together
to celebrate my
sexygenarian’s milestone birthday.
There was a crowd.
There was a ‘roast’.
There was good food.
There were gifts that spoke volumes
about one of Captain’s passions….
…one, Le François, very unique…
The following day
we celebrated in our usual quiet fashion.
Champagne followed by
a supper of Francois’ favourite food.
(Will share the recipe on Sea Salt Galley Kat very soon)
I had to laugh at my sister’s comment about her own recent
milestone birthday:
“I know it’s just a number but it’s such a big number”
We are choosing to pay attention
not on the numbers
but to how we feel
and we feel great!
Boating season will bless us with at least another month
before we have to put R.E.D. to bed for the winter
so we are going to make sure we get out there
and enjoy each and every moment.