Canajoharie to Little Falls

through locks 14, 15 and 16….


We could have locked through to stay at

Little Falls…


…but on the advice of the lock master at #14

we considered tying up at

#17 for free,

…but no,

it seemed too early in the day,

so we continued on to the village of Herkimer ,

through a section of the Erie Canal that bipassed the Mohawk River

just past lock 18,

where we encountered a cruise boat

through a particularily tight junction in the channel.

Polite horn blast from the cruise boat – moving to starboard.

We responded in kind.

We finally settled on our stop for the day at the village of Ilion

(west of lock 17 and east of lock 18)




Lock # 17 was a real treat.

A 40.5 foot lift.

It seemed much higher as we approached,


… and as we entered,



…and as they enclosed us in a concrete tomb for several minutes.






We weren’t on a set schedule today.

It was another super sunny, hot, steamy day on the river.

The water was a mirror…





and those 20 nautical miles

brought us to a marina that was very affordable

($1/foot with all the ammenities but sadly really questionable wifi.

Rogue antenna is definitely on our wish list for next year)


Now it’s time for a cocktail,

some dinner,

and a refreshing shower (a real shower!!!)


See you back on the water tomorrow…






Erie Canal

Locks 11, 12, 13


From our dock at Amsterdam, NY

($1/foot all incl. for those interested, internet – meh!)

to our evening location at Canajaharie

(free docking with electricity and water

and encouragement to support local businesses which we did happily.

Peruzzis’ Deli was a great find.

Polish sausage and horseradish pickles with cocktails for Happy Hour!

Thank you, thank you Mr. Peruzzi!


We travelled through the beautifull raw wilderness of the Mohawk River yet again,

another 24 nautical miles covered.

Every now and again,

we could feel the water vibrating under R.E.D.’s belly from a passing train

…and see signs of human invasion

peeking through the trees…





…and into every boater’s life,

repairs will fall …


…our little galley faucet,
the one where I can wash one hand at a time,
stopped functioning…
While I ‘manned’ the helm,
Captain pulled out his tools
and repaired it.

…one hand washed…

…two hands washed.