Six locks today…
Lower & Upper Nicholsons
and the 3 at the picturesque village of
..where we stopped to re-provision…

…You now know Captain’s passion for anything Bond…
…Can you believe the cleat number?…
…Double O all the way…

…We had considered stopping here for the night until we saw this…
…1000 bikes in the village…

…some real beauties…
…picked up what we came for…

…then headed out to a quieter place for the night…

…the 24th lock at Kilmarnock suited us just fine…
…all prepped for the night…
…Francois wandered around taking some pictures…

….while I prepared a feast of provisions from Merrickville…
(Capresse salad, fresh bread, homemade sausages
and of course a taste of Mrs. McGarrigle’s
Hot Whiskey Mustard)

….in Pig Heaven…