I debated what to title this post.

It was either the above



We left Oswego Harbour this morning

after checking three different weather reports.

All winds favourable for crossing Lake Ontario

to our evening destination.

It really was a fabulous day,

clear skies,

moderately light winds…

but those rolling waves!!!!

We both ended up feeling a little ‘green’

because of the rolling waves.

I wish we could have captured an image or two,

because at times the swells were a good height above the life lines.

Of no real concern,

just that for the past several days

our biggest challenge was gently putt-putting along the canal,

and managing the several locks.

It hit Francois first when I took the second two-hour shift

at the helm (the best place to be if feeling nauseous).

Then it hit me after going below to get us a snack.

When it was my turn at the helm again,

Francois grabbed medication for me and all was just fine once again.

We had planned on anchoring or docking at Duck Island today,

but our dock neighbour last evening

suggested trying the little lagoon on Galloo Island.

It’s a very shallow anchorage

but as any MacGregor sailboat owner knows,

we don’t need a lot of water below our bellies.

Safe and secure for the night.

Another beautiful location.

Thanks for the suggestion Al.

Thirty-one nautical miles on a 23 ° bearing on one tack,

makes two very happy sailors

and one very successful day!